Pre-Cana? Piece-a-cake
Before heading into a full day of this on Sunday, I'd received mixed feedback about Pre-Cana. I'd been told the participating couples are asked to share very personal information. Others remembered the sections on sexuality and family planning being super awkward. And some told me it was a long day, but well worth it in the end. They left feeling good about themselves as couples, having been prompted by strong married couples to think about important issues that will likely arise in their marriages. The leading couples also armed the engaged couples with communication tools and advice.
It sounded alright. But still, BK and I didn't know what we were about to face.
The thing is, you really don't know what it will be like until you go through it. So despite what I'm about to write, you may still worry or complain until your session rolls around. But I'm telling you, it is a positive experience, and there is absolutely nothing to worry about.
I think maybe because it's required, Pre-Cana is often dreaded. But it is, without a doubt, helpful -- and probably in totally different ways for each couple. If anything, the day's activities will tell you that as a couple, you are right on track. If the presenters ask, "Have you discussed finances?" or, "Do you know how you'll handle the holidays when you're married?" and your answers are "yes," then you can pat yourselves on the backs.
I hear the programs vary from parish to parish, but we completed ours through Holy Saviour Parish. And I'm glad we did. The presenters were so open in sharing their own stories and they approached everything with a sense of humor. It made for a relaxing atmosphere -- which is the opposite of what I expected.
When we arrived I found our names and picked up our packet. Inside I saw a pocket full of handouts that instantly took me back to C.C.D. I thought we'd be quizzed and called on to define the sacrament of marriage and so forth. I skimmed over the questions. I didn't know all of the answers!
But they weren't questions we had to sit down and answer with No. 2 pencils. They were asked throughout the day, and we could volunteer an answer or choose to just think about it. I'm sure the topics prompted discussions between couples after they left the church basement that day.
So to my fellow Catholic brides: Pre-Cana, worth your time; Worrying about it, a waste of time.