Blogs > Babbling Bride

A blog detailing the inner thoughts and wedding plans of a slightly neurotic blonde.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

My purple clog daze

Our engagement photo session was canceled today due to the rain. It was probably for the best, because Bentley woke us up in the wee hours of the morning, ready to start a new day, and since then I haven’t been totally with it. As BK put it this morning: "I miss my full-nights’ sleep."

The nerd in me typically likes to reflect on the day’s events as I’m wrapping up at work. I usually assess (in my head) what I’ve accomplished and then make a list (my fave!) for what I’ll need to do the next day.

Just a few minutes ago I caught myself looking up to the ceiling with an obviously thoughtful expression on my face as I reviewed the day’s tasks. Somehow, my wandering mind instantly brought me to a scene from "Clueless."

While sitting at the dinner table Cher’s father asks her, "So, what did you do in school today?" She looks up to the ceiling, pauses for a contemplative look and with a goofy, dreamy smirk on her face answers, "Well, I broke in my purple clogs."

That’s kinda how I feel today. And that's how I felt like I was answering my own question of "What did I do today?"

Good thing it rained. It probably wasn’t the best day for me to be frozen in time in images that will become the face of my save-the-dates, the memories we’ll keep forever and show our children.

So it all worked out for the best. Hopefully in two weeks little Bentley will sleep through the night and I’ll look fresher, more "on" for our rescheduled session.

Having checked off some major to-do's quite early in the process, my wedding plans have been at a bit of a standstill lately. I can dutifully report that on Saturday I ordered my gown and veil — major! — and also paged through 17 three-ring binders jam-packed with invitation samples. It was overwhelming at first, but my mom and I got a system moving and eventually narrowed it down to eight possible choices.

Well I’m going home to kick off my "purple clogs" and call it a day.


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